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     Assault & Battery Charges were made up and were dismissed when I tried taking the case to trial (trial by jury) . Although both my family members plead the fifth, I believed they plead the fifth because they were lied to by my attorney. I am not sure how far the prosecutor or the attorney would have taken the case into trial without me mentioning what we were arguing about.


*My Diagnosis was brought up at my employer and and I didn't know how they got my diagnosis along with some other things that were said and done at home that were exclusively talked about at home and vice versa* Also what was made up at home was not that dissimilar to what my employer made up at work after they terminated me (yelling, screaming, frightening people etc.)*


This evidence is strong for Civil Court but not strong enough for a Criminal Conviction without any corroborating evidence (e.g. testimony from some of the officers themselves or from body cameras -there are hearsay exceptions for conspiracy cases).

Assault & Battery Charges made up by Police

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