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T-Mobile Employee makes up Criminal Charges

On August 7th of 2023 a T-Mobile Employee by the name of Ana made up that I displayed a firearm to her in a method that was calculated to alarm (Basically Displayed a Firearm in a threatening manner). Within 2 weeks I submitted a motion to Dismiss because I in no way shape displayed a firearm in a threatening manner and I am still waiting on that motion to be heard. After finding out that they may have the recording of what occurred at the T-Mobile store I filled out an affidavit that was notarized under the pains and penalties of aggravated perjury stating that I never did what she claimed and that she did in fact make up that I displayed my firearm in that manner (there is no risk in doing so because I didn't do what she said I did and if they end up not having it, it will only strengthen my case if it goes to trial -if a jury wasn't sure whether or not I did it they would see that I am taking a substantial risk when I would likely just get probation for the case).*I believe that the Judge in the case knew that I didn't commit this crime but they still kept the criminal charges open so if it happened to go to trial and for some reason I was convicted she would not of given me jail time.*



On January 7th of 2024 this case was dismissed.



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