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Police make up criminal charges

In Newton MA on July 28th of 2020 five police officers made up that I assaulted them with my truck (Assault is either intentionally putting someone in imminent fear of being harmed or attempting to harm someone). It took the district attorney's office about a year to dismiss this case despite receiving the video within a week showing that there were no Assault Charges. They tried to get me to plea to the resisting arrest charges but I refused to plea to them because in Massachusetts you can Legally resist unlawful arrest if the police officers were not acting under the color of authority (They knew that they should not be enforcing the warrant that was issued for my arrest because it wasn't valid - If they tried me for resisting arrest than I would be using my audio recordings of Newton Officers lying, use this video in court showing they made up the criminal charges, along with presenting evidence to show that the warrant they were enforcing was void).

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